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We make the most delicious steaks in America. There are many different kinds of steaks. But now we will talk about Ribeye and its preparation. Many meat lovers prefer Ribeye to other steaks because of its exceptional mildness, ample flavor and centuries-old reputation as a meat classic. A cut of three muscles, each with a different texture and filling of fat. The steak is taken from the rib portion of the bull, specifically ribs 5 through 12. But why exactly is Ribeye soft and can you get a similar result by taking another piece of meat, even from the same carcass? Unfortunately, no.

Quality Ribeye has enough fat flecks to soften, so to speak, “dilute” the relative toughness of the muscle fibers. But it is important to know that the appearance of fat flecks in this section of the carcass is the merit of nature and proper fattening of the animal: mineral-rich water, fresh grass, and further fattening with cereal crops – corn or wheat.

The duration of grain fattening directly affects the degree of marbling of the meat: 120, 150, 180 days or more. The location of the Ribeye in the upper rib cage of the animal significantly reduces the work and weight load on the muscles, which is a favorable environment for fat deposits. Ribeye is a steak located at the intersection of 4 muscles.

Spinalis Dorsey is the tastiest part of the steak, located on the edge of the piece. Any professional chef will tell you for sure – you will never get the same tender and juicy meat, taking for frying a piece of beef of identical size and freshness from the thigh or breast section.

How to choose the right Ribeye?

Steak meat should be a juicy red color, not brown or gray-red. Darker shades indicate a long shelf life (in professional terminology, maturation). A proper Ribeye should be quite “thick” – at least 2 cm. A classic of the genre is Ribeye with a thickness of 5 cm (2 inches). This is how it was served to guests in New York steakhouses in the last century. The main muscles of Ribeye steak are Spinalis Dorsi, Longissimus Dorsi, Multifidus Dorsi, Longissimus Costarum.

Do you need a marinade?

Some chefs prefer to soak steaks in a marinade, for added flavor and softening. Others argue that a Ribeye steak is already so good from the start that the main challenge is not to spoil it during cooking. In our opinion, the main secret to success is quality marbled beef meat and a few basic rules to follow in the preparation. We are going to talk about them further.
How to properly fry a steak?

If your steak meat is visually sufficiently fatty flecks – you’re in for a rich and juicy dish. The mechanics of the process are simple – at high temperatures, the fat begins to melt and penetrate the meat fibers. This gives the dish juiciness and softness. If you like your steaks rare, take the leanest cut, if you like medium well – fattier.

You can cook steak equally well on the grill or in a well-heated home frying pan. It’s easier to remember what not to do:

  • don’t start grilling meat while it’s still cold; it should be allowed to come to room temperature;
  • do not stew or fry on a low heat for a long time so as not to boil out the juices inside;
  • do not damage the integrity of the steak with all kinds of test cuts;
  • We recommend adding freshly ground pepper at the end of grilling, and salt can be added at any time;
  • If grilling, pepper can be added first, the fire will bring out all the flavors in the product.